

作者: Elenastor 阅读记录




Anyway, next up, "Severus Snape (Part 2)"

Thanks for reading, and please do review. Reviews are kind of like electricity to us authors (I was going to say gas or fuel, but I'd rather imagine myself as an electric car).


*①:Tracey Davis,这姑娘我没有找到官方译名,有人知道吗?(不过这不是什么罕见的名字,应该没什么问题,大概……

*②:Disillusionment Charm,幻身咒,法术效果是隐形,私以为这里用忽略咒比较合适……不过作者写的是幻身咒,我没有改。

*③:You will endeavour to live up to the ideals of our founder, Salazar Slytherin, and personify Cunning, Ambition, and Fraternity. This is what sets us apart from the other houses. While in Hufflepuff loyalty and friendship is idolized, in Slytherin we are bound by a loyalty born of duty and fellowship. While in Gryffindor boldness and bravery are valued above all, in Slytherin we observe and analyse before we act, and are bold when it is within our power to be bold, and brave when it is demanded of us to be brave. While in Ravenclaw knowledge for the sake of knowledge is exalted, in Slytherin, your knowledge will serve to further your ambitions and the ambitions of your housemates. 这一段的措辞比较微妙,我不能保证完全准确地传达出来,索性把英文贴出来,大家有兴趣的可以看看。

*④:Hortense Rowland,这名字原作出现过吗?我没有查。

*⑤:Thaddeus Nott,老诺特的名字原作仿佛没有……大概,我根据词典译的。



Disillusionment Charm,幻身咒




Milicent Bulstrode,米莉森·伯斯德

Tracey Davis,特蕾西·戴维斯

Daphne Greengrass,达芙妮·格林格拉斯

Thaddeus Nott,撒迪厄斯·诺特

Theodore Nott,西奥多·诺特

Hortense Rowland,霍顿斯·罗兰

Blaise Zabini,布莱斯·扎比尼


Chapter 15

Disclaimer: still don't own Harry Potter. Figures.

AN1: 有几个人问为什么哈利没有告诉伏地魔在开学宴会上他的疼痛。谢谢你们指出来,因为我真的忘记了这个。目前,我正在考虑是否要回去把它加进去,或者让你假设他忘记了这件事,而伏地魔稍后会发现(也就是在本章概述的一些事件中)。大概是后者,因为让我们面对现实,我正在努力成为一名数学家,而数学家是出了名的懒惰。

AN2: Lastly, and arguably most importantly, I wanted to thank everybody who's given me feedback about this story. It's been overwhelmingly positive, and while that makes me awfully suspicious, it also makes me very happy and thankful to have such gracious readers. So, if you're one of the people who have taken the time to leave a review, I want you to know that you've made this overworked and underappreciated grad student very happy, and I hope I can keep repaying you with material you will enjoy :)


Chapter 15: Severus Snape (Part 2)

Chapter 15:西弗勒斯·斯内普(Part2)






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